Monday, July 2, 2012

Digital Citizenship

As a teacher, it is important for me to think about the implications of internet use in my classroom. One problem that I have as a teacher with the internet is students accessing in appropriate material. At school we do have filtering software that helps to ensure that students will not be able to access these sites. Another aspect is social networking sites. Some students are unaware of the dangers of these sites. Online predators are a big concern. Another concern I have is that students do not realize that once you put something on the internet it is always there in some form. The things you put on the internet can impact your life for years to come. Also, the growing problem of cyber bullying is prevalent. Other problems are things like fraud, viruses, and hacking. These are concerns that should be addressed with everyone, so they are aware of the dangers. Also, another item that is directly related to students is plagiarism. Copying items from the internet is very easy to accomplish. Students need to be aware of the consequences of doing this illegal act.

Being a good digital citizen is very important. The choices you make when using the internet have consequences. The information you share or pictures you post on social networking sites can implicate your life in regard to your future endeavors. Also plagiarism is a very important concern especially when software has been developed to catch these offenders.

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