Monday, June 25, 2012

Web 2.0

Web 2.0 tools are a very important part of technology that can be used for the collaboration of students. I looked at each tool that was available for use in the classroom. If I had to pick three, I would pick Wikis, video and photo sharing communities, and Podcasts.

I would use wikis because I teach 1st graders. With the last assignment that we completed, I was able to see how I could design a page that would help the students to better understand a concept through links and video not just through a basic powerpoint. Through a powerpoint there is no interaction. With the wiki the students would be able to interact with each other. When using the wiki, they could also add to the page and learn from each other.

I would also use the video and photo sharing communities. I already use youtube in my classroom. A lot of my students do not have the experiences that other people have in regard to concepts. Through the use of youtube, I can show the students videos of concepts such as animals, plant growth, and etc. I could also see how you could help the students to make a video to post to youtube about a concept.

The last tool I picked was Podcasts. Most of my students have iPods or a relative has this item. Podcasts could be another outlet for students to express their ideas. It would also be good for auditory learners to learn new concepts.

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