Monday, June 25, 2012

Web 2.0

Web 2.0 tools are a very important part of technology that can be used for the collaboration of students. I looked at each tool that was available for use in the classroom. If I had to pick three, I would pick Wikis, video and photo sharing communities, and Podcasts.

I would use wikis because I teach 1st graders. With the last assignment that we completed, I was able to see how I could design a page that would help the students to better understand a concept through links and video not just through a basic powerpoint. Through a powerpoint there is no interaction. With the wiki the students would be able to interact with each other. When using the wiki, they could also add to the page and learn from each other.

I would also use the video and photo sharing communities. I already use youtube in my classroom. A lot of my students do not have the experiences that other people have in regard to concepts. Through the use of youtube, I can show the students videos of concepts such as animals, plant growth, and etc. I could also see how you could help the students to make a video to post to youtube about a concept.

The last tool I picked was Podcasts. Most of my students have iPods or a relative has this item. Podcasts could be another outlet for students to express their ideas. It would also be good for auditory learners to learn new concepts.

Sunday, June 17, 2012


There are five types of instructional software. The first kind that I will discuss is the drill-and-practice. When you are using this software, the student needs practice on a particular skill. This software does exactly what it says. It provides practice over and over on a skill. The program also provides feedback for the students which is a positive aspect. An example is The program is easy for the typical student to maneuver. The teacher does not have control over the site. The program does have a wide variety of skill level. The program does function without very many problems.

Another type of software is the tutorial teaching software. When using this type of software, the student learns a skill without having help from the teacher. The software encompasses teaching the student and providing practice for the student. The program should also assess whether the student is comprehending the lessons. An example is . This software is kid friendly. The teacher is not able to see the students' progress. Students do receive feedback on their work.

The third type of software is the simulations. When using simulations you are hading your students to learn how a system works. The teacher can use this as a problem solving activity in her classroom. They can also be used where labs were used in the past. An example is The program is user friendly. The directions are easy to follow and would be a valuable resource.

The fourth type of software is instructional games. I use these a lot in my classroom. These games are colorful and exciting while also providing practice for the user. The teacher has to take into consideration the educational value of the game. The game cannot just be fun it must have some value.An example is The site is colorful and user friendly for an older student. I am not so sure about the younger students.

The last type of software is problem solving. Problem solving software does just what it says it focuses on problem solving. The student is actively engaged in problem solving. Many problems solving sites focus on math skills. An example of a problem solving site is Again, the site is very engaging. The site looks easy to use.

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Web 2.0

I really enjoyed using the technology to create these tools. I first completed the concept map. I chose to do my project on story elements on first grade level. Although I really like this tool, I feel like first graders would have a difficult time understanding the webs. I wish I would have known about this tool when I taught 4th grade. Also, I have a mimio board in my classroom. I have templates that are student friendly for the grade I teach. Here is my web.

Next I worked on the gloster activity. I really enjoyed this activity although it was time consuming. I really like the fact that the graphics are so engaging. I will be using gloster in my classroom in the fall. Here is the link.
The animoto part of this project was not my favorite part. If I had the full version, I would have enjoyed the experience more at the time. I was very frustrated with having the 30 second time limit. I did not feel that I was about to put enough information in the video. I do feel that it is something that would engage my students.

I chose to use Classtools for my last part of the assignment. I chose this site because my students love games. I really liked this site. I love the fact that it is so easy to use and gives the teacher control of the questions. I can't wait to use it to design games for my students. Here are my games.

Video (Reading A-Z)

This past year I started using this program in my first grade classroom. I was impressed as a teacher at the progress my students made  last year. Next year, I am going to invest in providing students with RAZ which is the companion program to this program.

1. Why would a teacher want to use Reading A-Z in their classroom?

2. What resources are provided for teachers using this site?

3. How do teacher know books are leveled correctly?

4. What makes this program better than using the traditional textbooks?

5. How could a teacher use this program to differentiate instruction?

Monday, June 4, 2012


Hello! My name is Amy Hatcher. I am a first grade teacher at Nanih Waiya Attendance Center. It is located in Louisville, MS.  I have been teaching for 4 years now. I started my career in 4th grade, but have recently moved to first. I love teaching 1st graders. I like seeing the look of accomplishment on their face. I am 31 and single. I have a great family. I have an older sister who lives in Georgia. She has two children, who will be spending a great deal of time with me this summer. I also have a mother who helps with my classroom. She is a seamstress and helps with those needed items. My nephew lives with my mother and helps when I have technological problems. This seems to happen quite often. I hope this class will help in that area.